Since taking on the role of team captain of Lambton
Financial Credit Union in 2006, April Williams has made the Grand Bend to
London Tour an outstanding experience for her team.
April arranges for delivery of team members' luggage to
their rooms, along with room keys and meal tickets, so that weary team members
can skip check-in at the finish line.
The team is then invited to a "host room",
complete with snacks and beverages, where they can relax together before
dinner. And for the ultimate finish line perk, April arranges for the team to
have its own massage therapist in their TeamMS Village tent.
April is even willing to give up her own cycling experience
for the benefit of the group. Last year, faced with a shortage of team
volunteers, she forfeited her own ride to coordinate things for her team.
Averaging more than 20 members each year, the team has
raised more than $44,000 in the past six years. Lambton Financial Credit Union
is a strong supporter of the team, providing team jerseys and even paying everyone's
registration fee.
The team is as committed to April as she is to them. April
was the winner of the MS Society's "Share the Love" promotion in
February, which asked riders to share what makes their team captain great.
April "really truly cares about people, and wants to make sure everyone
has the very best time and we're all very well cared for," according to
nominator Mike Murphy.
"Because I do the ride myself, I know what a difference
the little things can make," April says. "I'll do whatever I can to
take care of the team and make everybody's weekend a little bit more