Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Predict The Weather!

Weather; it can make your day or ruin it. You can talk about it with people you’ve never met before or with someone you’ve known for years. What would we do if we didn’t have the weather to talk about? One of the most important aspects of having a successful and fun RONA MS Bike Tour is knowing how to equip yourself for the weather on the day of the ride. Why would you want to leave something so important up to the people on TV who seem to be wrong more than they’re right?  That’s why we want to give you a leg up on Mother Nature and share with you some ways of predicting the weather, methods that have been used for thousands of years!

  • Wind (do not attempt while riding your bike). Easterly winds can indicate an approaching storm, westerly winds the opposite. Strong winds indicate high pressure changes which can also be a sign of an incoming storm.
  •  ‘Red sky at night, sailor’s delight; red sky in the morning, sailor’s warning'. Red sky at night means dry air is heading towards you, red sky in the morning indicates there is a low pressure system carrying moisture on its way.
  • Trees. Pine cones remain closed if the humidity is high, which tends to precede heavy rain. If the pine cones are closed, that indicates dry air. Oak and maple tree leaves curl in high humidity.
  • The grass. Before you head to the starting line check the grass. If it’s dry, that can indicate that clouds or strong breezes are on the way, which can mean rain is also on the way. If the grass has dew on it, chances are it won’t rain that day.   source (

Remember to check the weather before you take part in the RONA MS Bike Tour so you know how to prepare yourself for the ride. Use some of the tips above as an added feature to the weather reports you find online or on the news channel. As the great Bob Dylan always said “you don’t need a weather man to know which way the wind blows.”

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