Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Cold weather cycling tips

Cycling throughout the winter months can be both intimidating and challenging. You may encounter slippery roads, gusting winds and below freezing temperatures. Despite these challenges, winter cycling can be rewarding, fun and great training for the 2014 MS Bike! Before you head outside, here are a few tips to help you prepare for your ride.

Layer – Layering is a great way to stay both warm and dry when cycling in the winter. Your first layer of clothing should consist of moisture wicking materials that will keep your body dry. Your outer layer should be wind and water resistant and each layer beneath should be comfortable and easy to move around in.

Protect your face – Cycling at high speeds against gusting winds requires appropriate gear for your head. Consider wearing a hat under your helmet to keep your head and ears warm. Cycling glasses can also help prevent your eyes from watering when faced with heavy winds.
Winter appropriate shoes – Winter specific cycling shoes or boots that are well insulated and waterproof are more effective than regular cycling shoes designed to keep your feet cool in the summer.
Adjust your tire pressure – Reducing your tire pressure by 10 to 20 PSI provides you with better traction on wet and icy roads.

Keep hydrated – Staying hydrated throughout your ride is just as important in the hot summer months as it is in the winter. Remember to listen to your body, take short water breaks and head inside if the weather gets too extreme!
For more great winter cycling tips, visit via Shape Magazine.

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