your local carwash and ask if they will sponsor you or ask a nearby shopping
plaza if you can make use of their parking lot space for a day.
on a price. You can charge anywhere from $5 to $10 per car…it’s up to you, any
amount helps!
your car washers! Ask your family, friends or your teammates to help out. It’s
a great way to get together and spend time outdoors with your team before event
your supplies. You will need the basics like soap, buckets, sponges and towels.
Ask your local hardware store if they would be willing to donate some supplies
to support your cause or even ask your family, friends or neighbours!
the word! Post signs around your neighbourhood, create flyers or even create a
Facebook event. Tell everyone you know to come on out for a carwash and be sure
to mention that all proceeds will be going towards your participation in MS
Bike. Also be sure to give a shout out to any sponsors (ie. your local
carwash if they are sponsoring you or your local shopping plaza if they allow
you to use their parking lot space.)
importantly, remember to put the “fun” in fundraising!
Have another great tip to share? Leave us a wall post on Facebook page or a tweet on Twitter! You never know, your tip might even be included in our next blog post!
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