Here are five examples of simple, yet effective techniques to incorporate into your overall fundraising strategy:
Email Signature Line. Change the signature line of your outgoing emails to mention your involvement.
Tag Along. Why not bring out a potential donor with you to an Event Workshop or Pub Night. A casual get together is a great time to explain you’re the importance of their support.
Bulletins. Contact your place of worship, community center or other places where the community gathers and ask that they put an announcement of your involvement in their weekly bulletin.
Garage Sale. The staple in spring cleaning fundraising events. Ask your friends and family to donate any items that you could sell to maximize your total.
Lastly, start fundraising early. Implement these tips as soon as possible and you’ll find that you can dramatically increase your overall fundraising totals, enabling you to get much more out of your Tour!
Have another great tip to share? Leave us a ‘wall post’ on Facebook or a ‘tweet’ on Twitter! You never know, your tip might even be included in our next blog post!
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